DMC Students Visit to Bloomberg Hong Kong Office on April 17 2019
Data and Media Communication (DMC) concentration has organized a company visit to Bloomberg Hong Kong office on 17 April 2019 afternoon. 9 DMC students and 2 faculties (Dr. Li Chen from the Department of Computer Science and Dr. Yin Zhang from the Department of Journalism) joined the visit. Bloomberg is a leading media company with strong data and technical DNA. Ms. Ling, representing Bloomberg, greeted us and introduced the students to the developments, opportunities and challenges at Bloomberg.
Ms. Ling briefly presented the evolution of the company from its inception in the 1980s to today as well as the diversified products and services available to their clients. It was then followed by career development introduction about the job application process. In addition, students had a demo session to gain further understanding on how Bloomberg terminal works and processes data. At last, Ms. Ling guided students to the News Studio and general office area. She also explained what qualities and job duties are required in Bloomberg, which sparked insights among DMC students for their future career preparation.

DMC students and faculties joined the Bloomberg visit on 17 April 2019.